Six Reasons Branding Is More Important Than Ever Before
Branding gives your audience a clear sense of purpose and direction– a credible voice that people want to listen to. Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media. There is widespread ambivalence...
Why Image Is Everything
Recent research reveals that image and emotion beat fact and logic If you think you purchase the goods and services you do based upon rational thinking, think again. Have you ever wondered why ads feature beautiful models, adorable puppies, cute babies and hilarious gags? Recent research reveals,...
How does Branding Influence Consumer Behavior?
Have you ever gone to the store to buy what you need, only to come out with a handful of things you didn't need to buy? We often end up buying things that speak to us on a personal level even though we don't really need them. This revelation is how brands can influence consumer behavior. But to...